New Year, New Start

7 Jan

So, despite all my good intentions this poor little blog has been neglected for over a month!!!! So as the title says New Year, New Start!!!!

January always gets people thinking about what the year will bring, and what you want it to bring!! I’m no different!! I’ve been thinking a lot about ways in which I want the business to go, and how to get it there!! I’m pretty clear on the where, but no so much on the how at the moment!! I know the New Year is going to bring lots of exciting challenges, and I’m looking forward to them and to getting to work with some wonderful people!!

I’ve worked on a plan to update this blog at least once a week! It may be more, if I have something I just can’t wait to share, but at a minimum it’ll be once a week!! There, I’ve said it out loud, now I’ve just gotta stick to it!! I’m going to add a button to my newly revamped website, so all the wonderful people that visit there can come on over here and have a nosey at what I’ve been up to!

Ok, so enough rambling, the first order of 2012 went out today!!! A really pretty pink cupcake tower for a Christening!!! The cupcakes were all boxed individually and tied with pink ribbon.  I’d forgotten how long that can take to do! Hope you like the pictures!!!

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