Archive | November, 2011

Christmas Goodies

14 Nov

Can you believe there are only 42 sleeps left until Christmas???? How did that happen!!!!  I’ve finally got myself in gear and have published Angel Cakes Christmas Goodies and all the details can be found  here on our Facebook Page.

If you would like to place an order for any of the items, please drop me a line at, by the 8th December.




Button Bouquets

11 Nov

I’m a ‘blog hopper’ I can spend hours ‘hopping’ from one blog to another!! I constantly find new ones to add to my ever growing list of bookmarks, lifestyle blogs, wedding blogs, cakey blogs, paper craft blogs, and they all have one thing in common PRETTY!!! Between them and my new  addiction, my inspirational to do list is HUGE!!!

At the top of my list are button bouquets! I love them; I love the vintage feel, and the quirkiness of them.  I decided I wanted to try and recreate them in Sugar!  So after browsing the web for hours looking at button and broach moulds, I settled on one of each and waited eagerly for them to arrive!!

Just in case you haven’t seen button bouquets before, here are a couple of the ones I’ve found on Pinterest


 Ivory Button Bouquet  Repinned from Bouquets by Jessica Williams

Claret and Ivory repinned from inspiration and ideas by Natasha Dawson

 Aqua and peach repinned from Goin to the Chapel by Victoria Chapman

Pretty Pictures

5 Nov










The blog is looking a bit empty and sad so I thought I’d post some pictures of the wedding fayre we did in September at the Brentwood Centre.

It was the biggest fayre I’d done to date and I had no idea what to expect, were we going to be run off our feet? Would people like my cakes? Would the stand look how I wanted it to? Would we have enough cake samples?

But, I have to say all the stress, sleepless nights, worry and aching fingers were so worth it!  We had an absolute ball!  We got to meet lots of lovely brides and talk about their ideas for their cakes, some fabulous suppliers, and to put some faces to names!

I think we gave out over 200 cake samples, and even more postcards!  (Don’t forget if you took a postcard there is 10% off the price of your cake with the card if you book by the end of Feb 2012!!)  We’ve had some email inquiries already and are steadily filling the diary for next year!

It’s so much fun sitting down with a bride and desiging the perfect cake for her (and Hubby to-be’s) special day!!!

I love my job



Hello World!!!

4 Nov

After spending FAR too many hours reading everyone else’s adventures in blog land, I’ve finally joined in!!

I hope to share my cakey adventures, my cakey inspiration, and aspirations!! I’ll also be sharing the goings on of my new venture, The Event Angels.